Mount Holyoke College Signs up for WAS
The CDL Web Archiving Service (WAS) ( is extremely pleased to welcome Mount Holyoke College as its newest subscriber. Leslie Fields, Head of Archives & Special Collections at Mount Holyoke, explains “after testing several options we determined that WAS was the best choice for us. We felt the interface was straightforward and easy to use; we liked the option to make collections public or to keep them private; we received very good customer service when we asked our many questions; and we liked the consortium pricing.”

Mount Holyoke’s web archiving activities are the continuation of a NHPRC electronic records grant project that they completed in 2011. The goal of the grant work was to establish procedures for ingest, processing, preservation, and providing access to campus electronic records of enduring value. During the period they worked on the grant staff realized that the News & Events portion of the project was really all about web archiving.
The result was an investigation into possible web archiving options, including creating an in-house service. They quickly realized that with their current level of staffing an in-house solution was not a viable option. After reviewing other services and consulting with a variety of library teams, they selected WAS.
Now that they are signed up for WAS, staff will first focus on administrative and academic sites at Mount Holyoke, as well as News and Events pages. Then they will address faculty and course sites, as well as sites that document student life, such as student organization pages.
Welcome Mount Holyoke College!
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