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Category: WEST

Cycle 5 Collections Analysis Currently Underway

In the fall, 86 members submitted files for 109 OCLC symbols, totaling 2.4 million records. With those records, approximately 30,000 journal backfiles were identified for cycle 5 collections analysis – which is currently underway. WEST’s existing six Archive Builders will continue […]

New WEST Archive Holders Orientation Webinar

In Archive Cycle 4, WEST welcomed several more institutions to act as Archive Holders. Thank you to both our new and existing Archive Holders (now totaling 32!) for their commitment to retain print journals! To help members better understand the […]

Update Delivered at ALA Midwinter 2015 WEST Member Meeting

The ALA Midwinter WEST Member Meeting took place on Sunday, Feb. 01, 2015 from 1-2:30 pm in the Hilton Chicago (Continental C). Thank you to everyone who braved the snow storm to join us! If you were unable to attend, please find […]

Staff in Print—Emily Stambaugh co-authors "Shared Print Programs"

CDL is pleased to announce that a new book, Shared Print Programs, SPEC Kit 345, by Rebecca Crist and Emily Stambaugh, CDL’s Manager of Shared Print, was just published and is available at Here is a brief blurb on […]

WEST member meeting at ALA Midwinter in Chicago: Please RSVP if you plan to attend

The ALA Annual WEST Member Meeting is happening on Sunday, Feb. 01, 2015 from 1-2:30 pm in the Hilton Chicago (Continental C). Please RSVP to our poll (found here) ( if you plan to attend. Please list your institution next to your […]

Call for WEST Cycle 3 (2013/14) statistics underway

WEST cycle 3 statistics gathering is well underway! Thank you to everyone who has responded to our call – we greatly appreciate it. Following each cycle, WEST collects deselection, archiving and lending/borrowing statistics from our members and Archive Holders. These […]

WEST starts Archive Cycle 5!

WEST is pleased to announce that work is already underway for Archive Cycle 5! Currently, members are providing files of library journal holdings data for the fifth round of collection analysis. Each year, WEST members provide their holdings for regional […]

WEST invites title nominations for deep backfiles to hold in place

Does your library have a deep print journal backfile you would be willing to archive in place on behalf of the region? WEST would like to invite member libraries to nominate moderately held deep backfiles for archiving in place. This […]

WEST Strategic Planning Progress – Initial Recommendations for Change, 2016 and beyond

On June 3rd, the WEST Executive Committee and Operations and Collections Council convened to review member feedback from the recent program assessment and plan for WEST’s future beyond 2016. A final report with outcomes from that meeting is available on […]

WEST Update Delivered at Member Meeting at ALA Annual 2014

The ALA Annual WEST Member Meeting took place on Sunday, June 29, 2014 in LVCC-N120. Following a presentation from the WEST Project Team, we had an excellent Q&A session. Thank you to everyone who joined us! If you were unable to attend, please […]