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Author: Lena Zentall

UC Image Service News: AMICA

Art Museum Images from Cartography Associates (AMICA) license ends June 30, 2008.

UC Image Service News: 8 Campuses in 8 Days!

ARTstor and CDL representatives met with faculty and stakeholders at all 9 campuses participating in the ARTstor systemwide license.

UC Image Service News: ARTstor and CDL visit UC Campuses in October

A demonstration highlighting the major features of ARTstor collections, tools, and services for a mixed audience of faculty and library staff is planned for all UC campuses.  Megan Marler of ARTstor will lead the demonstration.  Lena Zentall from CDL will be available to discuss the Image Service and UC Shared Images.

UC Image Service News: ARTstor

ARTstor, an ever-growing digital library of over 500,000 images of art, architecture and archeology from a wide range of cultures and time periods, is now available systemwide.