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Author: Ellen Meltzer

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot – November Enhancements

This article provides information on the November enhancements that were recently implemented in the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot instances.

Springer E-Book Trial: Clarification

This article clarifies the years included (2005-2008) in the Springer ebook trial.

Google Book Search Target in UC-eLinks

Google Book Search has recently been enabled as a target in UC-eLinks, linking to the same content as is in the current Melvyl Catalog. In the UC-eLinks window, the online link to Google Book Search will appear as the first link in the window, as is the case for all other online items.

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot – Request Delayed; October Enhancements

Information on the latest happenings with the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot project: the Request service will be delayed and October enhancements are implemented.

Former Contributors to Melvyl Cease Contributing Records

Three former Melvyl Catalog library contributors (the California Historical Society, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and UCB's Law Library) have ceased contributing records to Melvyl.

Embedded Viewer for Google Books in Melvyl

CDL has implemented an embedded YouTube-style viewer for Google Books in a test copy of the Melvyl® Catalog.

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot – September Enhancements

Based on end user comments and usability testing, OCLC has made the following enhancements to the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot supported by WorldCat Local (WCL) this month.

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot Usability Findings: A Must-Read

The findings and recommendations summary report of the UC usability tests conducted on the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot in spring 2008 at UC Berkeley and UC Irvine is now available online at the Pilot Web site.

Digital Library Federation (DLF) releases Technical Recommendation from ILS Discovery Interface Task Group

The Digital Library Federation is pleased to announce the release of the technical recommendation of its ILS Discovery Interface (ILS-DI) Task Group. This document recommends standard interfaces for integrating the data and services of the Integrated Library System (ILS) with new applications supporting user discovery.

Next Generation Melvyl Pilot – August enhancements and other news

Based on end user comments and usability testing, OCLC has made the following enhancements to the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot supported by WorldCat Local (WCL) this month. p>