Author: CDL
Melvyl Feature: Requesting Multiple Items from a Saved List
It is now possible to save a list of items during your current Melvyl Catalog session and submit the entire list to the Request (UC’s Interlibrary Loan) service for processing. To create a list, mark the desired records and click […]
California Recall Election Project
The CDL recognizes the historical significance of the California Recall Election and that material related to this momentous occasion will have lasting value to UC researchers. We also recognize that much of this material is on the web and therefore […]
IEEE Conferences in UC-eLinks (Brian Quigley, UCB Resource Liaison)
Thanks to the diligence of Margery Tibbetts (CDL), users can now link to most IEEE conference papers online through UC-eLinks from INSPEC. Over the past year, IEEE has been depositing its conference data into the CrossRef database. Upon completion, ExLibris […]
Campus Instances of UC-eLinks Update
The CDL is happy to announce that the majority of the campus instances of UC-eLinks are in production (UCR should be ready to go live in the next few weeks.) The campus instances are managed by the UC-eLinks Liaisons on […]
New UC Libraries Web Site
A new web site featuring the collective challenges, strategies, plans, and systemwide operations of the UC libraries has been launched at Hosted by the CDL and the Office of Systemwide Library Planning, the site was designed and structured under […]
New Resources Available
a. Safari Tech Books Online Safari Tech Books Online negotiations were completed by Julia Gelfand at UCI. Six participating campuses will pay an annual subscription fee and share 15 simultaneous user ports for the IT collection: Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, […]
New Issue of El Mel Tells
The latest issue of El Mel Tells> covers all of the functionality available in “Previous Searches”. It also describes how to create a durable link for a search or an item in Melvyl.
Wilson Art Index Retrospective, Art Full Text: An Update (Susan Moon, UCSB)
After discussions with H.W. Wilson, UC librarians, and CDL, some very useful changes were made to ArtFull Text and Art Index Retrospective. Default for Basic search is now Boolean not Natural Language. Though the Advanced search is the default, there […]
New Resources Available
NOTE: New resources listed below are not yet in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks. You can access them directly from the URL provided. a. American Physiological Society (APS) Legacy […]
CDL Web Site Redesigns
a. CDL Web Site and “Inside CDL” Sites Released The CDL is very pleased to announce the release of two new revised web sites as of Friday, September 5, 2003. The first is the “brochure” CDL web site, located at […]