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Author: CDL

Melvyl Catalog: Staff Satisfaction Survey

For more than a year, UC staff have had a chance to work with the Melvyl Catalog, teach users about it in classes and across public service desks, and use it in technical services and for other purposes.  During this […]

New Resources Available

a. PCIFT Collection 4 By Myrtis Cochran (Resource Liaison), UC Berkeley Pursuant to advice from the Collection Development Committee and UC bibliographers, the CDL licensed perpetual rights to a new collection of Periodicals Contents Index Full Text (PCIFT), the leading […]


The CDL has recently become a member of RLG, a not-for-profit organization of universities, libraries, archives, and museums who are working to improve access to the information that supports research and learning: Membership in RLG will provide the CDL […]

Library Staff News

a. Bill Landis Joins the CDL On November 1, Bill Landis will join the CDL staff as Metadata Coordinator for the Documenting the American West Project, a three-year project funded by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation: […]

Metasearch Infrastructure Project Update

Work on the Metasearch Infrastructure project (The metasearch infrastructure project is no longer active.  See:  The Ex Libris MetaLib software has been installed at the CDL, and CDL staff completed software training in mid-September.  Staff are currently experimenting with […]

Library Staff News

a. Hovey Lee Joins the CDL Staff On Monday October 11, Hovey Lee joined the CDL staff as the Project Manager for Documenting the American West, a three-year project funded by a grant from the Hewlett Foundation: Hovey has […]

For Easy Access to ED Documents, Use ERIC Via CSA

By Diane Childs (Resource Liaison), UCLA More than 100,000 ERIC documents published in 2003 or earlier and indexed from January 1993 through July 2004 are now available from ERIC via CSA.  Through UC-eLinks, users can click on the option full […]

Counting California Update: New Content and Advanced Search Page

The Counting California team continues to add new versions of currently available statistics and new titles (see below for a list of recently added content). Census 1980 STF3 files are coming soon. In addition, Counting California has an improved advanced […]

OAC Best Practice Guidelines for EAD, Version 2.0 Released

The OAC Working Group Metadata Standards Subcommittee is pleased to announce the release of the “OAC Best Practice Guidelines for EAD, Version 2.0” at: These updated guidelines are based on the EAD Version 2002 DTD, the current version of […]

OAC Local History Digital Resources Project Continues

The CDL is pleased to announce the continuation of the Online Archive of California (OAC) Local History Digital Resources Project.  This multi-year project is supported by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered in California by the State Librarian. […]