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Author: CDL

CDL Guidelines for Digital Objects, Version 2.0: Draft Release

The CDL and Digital Library Services Advisory Group (DLSAG) are pleased to announce the release of the draft CDL Guidelines for Digital Objects, Version 2.0 (CDL GDO), available online in HTML and PDF format at <>. We welcome your feedback […]

New Resource Available

a. Factiva By Michael Oppenheim (Resource Liaison), UCLA Factiva, from Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC, is a new Tier 2 acquisition negotiated on behalf of seven participating campuses: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, […]

CDLINFO Survey: Your Feedback Is Important

The CDL has created a survey to allow us to better understand how you currently use the CDLINFO newsletter and learn about the types of information you may need and want from the CDL in the future. The survey contains […]

eScholarship Repository Milestones

The eScholarship Repository reached an important milestone last week: the 2,000,000th full-text download from the repository. See < >. Adoption of the eScholarship Repository is accelerating.  It took two years to log the first half-million downloads in the repository, […]

NISC Improves Its Interface

The database provider, NISC, has asked the CDL to move to a new interface as of November 1.  UC licenses the following databases from NISC (Your campus may license additional databases as well.): African Studies Black Studies Database Family and […]

Google Scholar Emphasized Links

Now that UC-eLinks has migrated to Version 3 of SFX, the CDL has the necessary technical capability to share UC’s ejournal holdings with Google Scholar.  By doing so, Google Scholar will then be aware which journals and papers UC has […]

Directory of CDL-Licensed Content Retiring

Reminder: The Directory of CDL-Licensed Content [] will be retired October 31, 2005.  At that time, please be prepared to remove any links to or mention of the Directory in campus web pages or guides.  Users who have bookmarked the […]

Updated versions of OAC and eScholarship Editions

Last week the CDL released updated versions of the Online Archive of California (OAC) <> and eScholarship Editions <>. The eScholarship Editions home page provides more visible access to various browse options. Most of the other noticeable interface changes were […]

New CDL Resource Liaisons

The CDL is pleased to announce the appointment of the following CDL Resource Liaisons: ArtBibliographies Modern (Tier 2) — Krista Ivy, UC Riverside Bibliography of the History of Art — Susan Jurist, UC San Diego Contemporary Women’s Issues — Sherri […]

UC Libraries Partner With Technology Companies and Non-Profits to Provide Free Public Access to Digital Books

The University of California libraries are participating in a new partnership to build a freely accessible digital library with materials drawn from across the world. The UC libraries will contribute books and resources in order to build a collection of […]