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Author: CDL

CDL Job Opening for Shared Content Service Coordinator

At the California Digital Library (CDL), we believe passionately that the library, in all its forms, is critically important to the vital work of students, scholars and the public. As a University of California systemwide library, CDL provides services to […]

ARK Identifier Summit at the National Library of France, 21 March 2018

The BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) is organizing an ARK Identifier Summit in Paris on March 21 of 2018. As maintenance agency for the ARK standard, the California Digital Library is helping to plan the event, which will be conducted […]

CDL Opening for Discovery & Delivery Director

At the California Digital Library (CDL), we believe passionately that the library, in all its forms, is critically important to the vital work of students, scholars and the public. As a University of California systemwide library, CDL provides services to […]

Registration for the 2018 UC Digital Library Forum (UC DLFx) is now open!

The inaugural University of California Digital Library Forum (UC DLFx), including pre- and post-conference sessions, will take place Tuesday, February 27 – Thursday, March 1, 2018 at the University of California, Riverside. To view the program/schedule and register please visit: […]

CDL Job Opening for a Library Carpentry Coordinator/Research Data Specialist

The UC Curation Center (UC3) is looking for a successful Library Carpentry Coordinator/Research Data Specialist who uses their product management skills, project management skills, software/data skills, and knowledge of the Data Carpentry & Software Carpentry community to promote and expand […]

Announcing ILLReports! (Replacing JReports)

On November 6th, users will be able to access reports on UC Interlibrary Loan (ILL) activity through our newly designed interface: ILLReports (  The previous service, JReports, will be retired and no longer available. These reports illustrate UC Interlibrary Loan activity, […]

Celebrate Open Access Week with UC3’s Series on Open Data!

To celebrate Open Access Week 2017, the UC Curation Center is posting a series of blog posts to spotlight and explore Open Data as an essential component to liberating and advancing research. All week they’ll be covering policies, user stories, […]

DMPTool Team Awarded NSF EAGER Grant for Actionable DMPs

  DMPTool is delighted to announce that the California Digital Library has been awarded a 2-year NSF EAGER grant to support active, machine-actionable data management plans (DMPs). The vision is to convert DMPs from a compliance exercise based on static text documents […]

UC Digital Library Forum 2018 — Call for Proposals

The UC Digital Library Forum meeting is happening @ UCR February 27 and 28, 2018.  The overall theme for this year’s conference is “Building the UC Digital Library: theory and practice”. Participants from across the UC libraries, archives, and museums […]

Dash Receives Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Tech

For the second year in a row, a California Digital Library service has captured a Larry L. Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Technology. This year the silver Sautter award went to the Dash team for its user-friendly platform for managing, archiving and […]