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Welcome Marcus Jun!

Headshot of Marcus JunWe are delighted to welcome Marcus Jun as the new Head of the CDL Shared Cataloging Program! He joins us on Monday, February 10, 2025.

Marcus comes from the Cal State system where he managed ebooks including gov docs and DDA programs. In previous positions he was the serials cataloger at Cal State Northridge and the Network Zone Manager at the Washington Research Library Consortium. Even though the CSU migrated in 2017 he has found that there are always new features, systemwide opportunities, exciting discoveries (and cleanup projects) in Alma and Primo. He also enjoys using analytics to find patterns in data and look at information from a broad and microscopic perspective.

He graduated from Carleton College with a BA in Political Science and received his MLIS from San José State University. He is also a certified Alma and Primo VE administrator.

In his free time he enjoys playing video games and watching Bob’s Burgers.