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JSTOR Package Upgrade

Beginning January 1, 2024, 9 University of California campuses are upgraded to the JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection, also referred to as the JSTOR Full Access collection. All UC campuses except UC San Francisco will participate in this subscription package. 

This package provides access to 27 collections at JSTOR, which grants access to all archival journals on the platform, and includes their thematic collections and primary source materials as well. This expands access to new collections for UC campuses that were previously unsubscribed, or subscribed by a limited number of campuses. 


The 27 collections include: 

Arts & Sciences I-XV Collections

Business IV Collection

Hebrew Journals Collection

Ireland Collection

Life Sciences Collection

Lives of Literature

Public Health Collection

Security Studies Collection

Sustainability Collection

Global Plants

Struggles for Freedom in Southern Africa

World Heritage Sites: Africa

19th Century British Pamphlets


JSTOR previously offered expanded access to additional collections through its Covid Expanded Access program, which ended for UCs December 31, 2023. Four campuses had opted-in to this expanded access. The newly upgraded package ensures seamless continued access to all of this content on the JSTOR platform.

Access is already enabled. Users can access these materials on JSTOR at: Additionally, several primary source collections have individual landing pages which can be found at: 

Global Plants:  

Struggles for Freedom in Southern Africa: 

World Heritage Sites: Africa: 

19th Century British Pamphlets:

CDL staff are working to update cataloging & process new materials for the campuses.