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New Enhancements to the AGUA On Demand Collection Comparison Reports

Following on earlier updates to the AGUA On Demand Collection Comparison reports, the AGUA Development Team has recently released additional enhancements that expand WEST members’ ability to compare their local holdings against the full WEST collective collection, including archived and unarchived titles.

Most significantly, this enhancement expands the data included in the ODCC UnarchivedComparison output report. This report has been expanded to include data about WEST member holdings for titles that aren’t archived by WEST or other shared print programs, in addition to the unarchived (duplicate) holdings of titles archived for WEST and other shared print programs that were already being reported. This enhancement means that WEST members are now able to compare their local holdings against the full collective WEST collections, not only those titles retained as shared print.

Instructions for using the On Demand Comparison tool is available in Appendix 1 of the WEST AGUA User Manual (starting on page 21), including detailed information about the data points available in each report.

New unarchived holdings data

Information about WEST member holdings for titles that are not yet archived for WEST or any other shared print program is now included in the UnarchivedComparison report. With this update, the UnarchivedComparison output report now includes information about duplicate unarchived copies of archived titles as well as holdings for titles that have not yet been archived for shared print. To help users distinguish which titles have been archived for WEST and other programs from those that are not yet archived, new columns have been added to the UnarchivedComparison report.

New columns

  • Title Archived by WEST. A flag indicating whether the title (not the specific holdings listed in the report) is archived for WEST. If this column is blank, the title is not archived for WEST.
  • Title Archived by Rosemont. A flag indicating whether the title (not the specific holdings listed in the report) is archived for one of the Rosemont Alliance partner programs: BTAA, CRL, EAST, FLARE or Scholars Trust. If this column is blank, the title is not archived for one of the Rosemont Alliance partner programs. Because WEST archiving status is recorded separately, WEST is not counted as a Rosemont Alliance program for this column.
  • Title Archived by Other Program. A flag indicating whether the title (not the specific holdings listed in the report) is archived for a program beyond WEST and the Rosemont Alliance. If this column is blank, the title is not archived for any program beyond WEST and the Rosemont Alliance.
  • Count of WEST Institutions. This column counts all WEST institutions that hold the title, including both archived and unarchived copies, supporting understanding of how widely (or scarcely) held the title is in WEST. 
    • The “Duplication in WEST” column in the ArchivedComparison output report has been updated with the new name for consistency and clarity.

Sample use cases

  • Identify locally held titles that are scarcely retained nationwide (ArchivedComparison report)

  • Identify locally held titles that are retained for WEST but for which there are few duplicate copies (ArchivedComparison and UnarchivedComparison reports)
  • Identify locally held titles that are not retained but are widely held (UnarchivedComparison report)

  • Identify locally held titles that are not retained but are scarcely held (UnarchivedComparison report)

  • Identify other holdings in WEST that are potential candidates for replacing missing or lost retention materials (UnarchivedComparison report)

  • Identify locally held titles that are not retained for shared print or held by any other WEST member (NotHeldByWEST report)