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2023 WEST Executive Committee Election Results and Operations and Collections Council (OCC) Appointments

WEST Executive Committee Election Results

WEST carried out elections for the Executive Committee between November 21, 2022 and December 9, 2022.

WEST surpassed the quorum of 51% and achieved a 66% response rate in favor of the 2023 Executive Committee slate, including two new members and one renewing member. 

Congratulations to newly elected members, Jo Anne NewYear-Ramirez (University of California, Berkeley) and Michael Brewer (University of Arizona); and to renewing member, Melissa Desantis (Strauss Health Sciences Library, University of Colorado)!

The WEST Executive Committee oversees the operation and development of the Western Regional Storage Trust and works to integrate WEST with related organizations and programs nationally and internationally. The Executive Committee is composed of ten (10) members including representatives from Archive Holders, Archive Builders, and Non-Archive Holders. The Executive Committee now also includes a liaison to the Operations and Collections Council. The full WEST membership is invited to submit nominations or self-nominations to the Executive Committee. Each year, a proposed slate is developed by the nominating committee of the current Executive Committee. The WEST Executive Committee is elected by the WEST membership. 

New and Renewed Appointments to the WEST Operations and Collections Council (OCC)

Congratulations to newly appointed member of the Operations and Collections Council (OCC), Cass Kvenild (University of Wyoming); as well as renewing members of the OCC, Shari Laster (Arizona State University) and Nancy Lorimer (Stanford University)!

The OCC is charged by the Executive Committee to establish, review, and revise WEST policies, and oversee collections analysis to make title selections for inclusion in the WEST archive. Members of the OCC are appointed by the WEST Executive committee primarily on the basis of their expertise, although the Executive Committee also strives to maintain a balance of member type and geographic representation on the Council. The full WEST membership is invited to submit nominations or self-nominations to the OCC.

Thank you to all who contribute to WEST’s governance both through these bodies and other working groups, and to the whole membership for participating by submitting nominations and voting in the elections this year. 

If you would like to learn more about WEST’s governance structure, please see WEST’s governance webpage.