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UC Libraries Digital Collection Project: Shared DAMS Upgrade

CDL continues to reach milestones for the UC Libraries Digital Collection (UCLDC) Implementation Project. This month, the major news is an upgrade to the shared DAMS platform.

Shared DAMS upgrade

This week, CDL upgraded the shared digital asset management system (DAMS) to Nuxeo version 6, which is the latest version of the platform. The upgrade provides a better user interface, better support for bulk import of digital files and metadata, and a spreadsheet view for making metadata changes across many objects.

Watch a demo of Nuxeo 6 features (4 mins):


Other project progress

The DAMS upgrade was part of a release, nicknamed “Bruin,” which encompassed progress in other parts of the UCLDC project as well. For example, we began collaborating with UC Libraries stakeholders to develop policies around the UCLDC service. To learn more, read the Bruin release notes.


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