WAS Service Update – September 2012
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities
- Fall 2012 releases update
- WAS 2.0: We are continuing the quality assurance testing for the WAS 2.0 release; among the areas of focus are the new solr index; duplicate reduction (which will substantially reduced the size of files stored); new curator QA tools; new search functionality; and XML record export
- WAS public site: We began planning for redesign of the WAS public interface.
- EOT Archive: CDL is working in collaboration with the Harvard Library, Internet Archive, Library of Congress, University of North Texas Libraries, and the U.S. Government Printing Office on a continued partnership to archive 2012-2013 End of Term (EOT) sites. We have been publicizing the EOT Archive in order to encourage people to nominate sites to be included in the crawl. Learn more: (http://eotarchive.cdlib.org/2012.html)
New public content: UC Davis goes public with student newspaper archive

The California Aggie, an entirely student-run publication, is now live in WAS. First captured by the UC Davis Special Collections staff starting in October 2010, this archive provides a rich resource for examining daily news and events at UC Davis, along with international news making stories such as the Occupy Davis movement.
Avaialble here: http://webarchives.cdlib.org/a/AggieUCD
New public content: Tamiment Library’s new Housing archive

The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives has released over 30 archived sites related to housing rights, movements, and policy organizations, with a special concentration on New York City. Issues include, affordable housing, rent control, public housing, housing law and legislation.
Available here: http://webarchives.cdlib.org/a/housing
WAS Activity, September 2012
- 1561 archives actively collected
- 2068 sites collected
- 1.4 TB of data collected
WAS Service Description
The Web Archiving Service (WAS) enables librarians, archivists and researchers to capture, curate and preserve websites and web‐published materials. WAS makes it easy to build web archives, with scheduling and other tools to help manage your archive. You control public access to your archives and can configure the appearance and navigation of each archive. We also provide collection development consultation and help desk support for web archiving questions.
WAS Service Manager
Rosalie Lack, rosalie.lack@ucop.edu or washelp@ucop.edu
Additional WAS Information (training materials, videos, guides, etc.) More information about WAS is available at (http://was.cdlib.org) or by sending an inquiry to washelp@ucop.edu.