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Upcoming transition of former RLG resources from OCLC to EBSCOhost

By Holly Eggleston, Electronic Resource Analyst /Resource Liaison Coordinator

Following is an update on the status of the migration of many former RLG resources from the OCLC FirstSearch platform to the EBSCOhost platform scheduled for late 2012.

As the databases become available on the EBSCOhost platform, CDL will provide overlap access to both the new and old platforms by redirecting the database persistent identifier (PID) to point to the interim/overlap page.

Currently, it is expected that the old platform will be retired at the end of 2012, at which time the overlap access pages will also be retired and the CDL Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) staff will redirect the database PIDs to point to the databases on the EBSCOhost platform.

List of affected resources, PIDs, and their projected activation dates:


  • Anthropology Plus  (
  • Anthropological Index – merged into Anthropology Plus
  • Anthropological Literature – merged into Anthropology Plus



Not Migrating

  • Heritage of the Printed Book (formerly Hand Press Book Database)

The UC Libraries currently subscribe to Avery Index via ProQuest, so our subscription to Avery is not affected.

CDL will provide overlap access to Anthropology Plus and Francis beginning 10/11/12.  These two databases are currently active and accessible through the Choose Database feature on EBSCOhost; however, they may not appear in alphabetical order in the listing.