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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update – July 2011

By Adolfo Tarango, Head, Systemwide Collection Services

The Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) provides catalog records for the University of California campus libraries.  Established in January 2000, the program is based at UC San Diego.  To learn more about SCP, see

With this issue of CDLINFO, we include monthly updates from SCP:

Notable e-book record distributions for May were Springer (1,477), IEEE (521), Encyclopedia of Taiwan (212), and Wiley (60). Serial records distributed include titles from ScienceDirect (1,562), EBSCO (103), Open access (96), JSTOR (30), and Cambridge (24). The Springer distribution included 865 Springer Protocols titles and the ScienceDirect distribution were all titles from the Freedom Collection. Cataloging for these two collections is now current.  Campuses will receive about 100 more Encyclopedia of Taiwan this month and that will complete that package. All other May distributions represent newly-added content to packages.

There were a variety of systemwide end-of-year purchases which include e-books from SIAM, serial and database packages from Gale, and some Chinese language resources.  We are in process of identifying our cataloging options for each and will be working with the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections  (JSC) on establishing the appropriate cataloging priorities. The JSC approved analytic cataloging for the serial Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences so you will see some 1,900 records over the coming months representing the backfile, then records for the current volumes thereafter.  Campuses will shortly also start finding records for the Early American Imprint Series II (Shaw-Shoemaker) titles. We recently discovered records for them in OCLC and are working on harvesting them. We expect to distribute about 38,000 records for this package.