CDL ERMS Portal gives UC library staff access to license terms for CDL resources
By Holly Eggleston, Electronic Resource Analyst, Collections
CDL is pleased to announce the launch of the CDL ERMS Portal, an interface for campus library staff to find licensing-related information about CDL managed electronic resources. The CDL ERMS Portal is part of the larger Serials Solutions 360 Resource Manager system, which has been in use by CDL staff since late 2009.
To access the CDL ERMS Portal, go to
Library staff, quickly find answers to your everyday questions, including:
- Should my campus have access to this title or database?
- Can I use this title to fulfill an ILL request?
- Can I use this article in an electronic coursepack?
What the CDL ERMS Portal is not:
- The portal is not a public access point for journals and databases. To ensure successful access to your resource content, please use the links provided through the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot and/or your local campus discovery services.
- The portal lists UC electronic resources for which CDL manages the payment or licensing processes. Campus-licensed resources and titles are not included in this interface.
- Ebook titles are not included in the portal’s title search results. However, licensing information about Ebook packages can be found under the CDL-Managed Databases & Packages.
Because this is a service hosted at Serials Solutions, there are some limitations to the design of the portal and to the information that can be included. CDL staff have worked to adapt the portal to meet the needs of campus library staff within these constraints, and we hope to develop additional reports from the 360 Resource Manager system in the coming year. In the meantime, we look forward to your thoughts and comments about this new tool.
Questions and feedback regarding the portal should be sent to the CDL Helpline.
For questions about the CDL ERMS project and ongoing development activities, please contact Holly Eggleston (, or see the project web page at