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Next Generation Melvyl Pilot – June 2009 Enhancements

By Ellen Meltzer, Manager, Information Services

Several changes were brought into the June 2009 install for the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot on June 14th.  These changes are described in detail in the PDF (, and include the following:

Changes to the Advanced Screen
These changes were made in anticipation of additional databases for searching in the WorldCat Local interface.  (The UC Libraries are currently evaluating when to adopt this service.)

  • ISBN, ISSN, and Accession Number are each a separate index now.  Accession Number is the OCLC number.
  • The number of search boxes has been reduced from five static boxes to three dropdown boxes.

Changes to Advanced Search Limiter Display
The order of the limiters has been changed and the “Publication Date” limiter has been renamed “Year”.  “Library” and “Year” are now the first and second limiters.  After that, the limiters are alphabetical.  These changes were made in anticipation of additional databases for searching in the WorldCat Local interface.

Libraries Worldwide (WorldCat) is now Libraries Worldwide
The scoping option “Libraries Worldwide (WorldCat)” was renamed Libraries Worldwide.  This change was made in anticipation of additional databases for searching in the WorldCat Local interface.  Renaming the scope will reduce confusion with the database WorldCat (FirstSearch).
Note: Again, the UC libraries are evaluating when to adopt this service.

Expanded link name changed to “Cite/Export”
OCLC has renamed the link for the citations tool on the detailed record from “Cite” to “Cite/Export” to be more informative to the user.  The tooltip message upon mouse-over on this link also provides more information to the user.

WorldCat Identities is being integrated into WorldCat Local
WorldCat Identities is now fully integrated into the user interface for WorldCat Local. This will provide a consistent user experience throughout the user’s discovery experience.

Privacy settings display on your WorldCat user profile
When viewing your WorldCat user profile, the privacy settings for your favorite libraries, lists, saved searches, email and profile will now be displayed on the initial summary page.  If an object is marked as ‘Private’ it will not be shared with the rest of the WorldCat community on the public view of your profile.  You can change this setting from the summary page of each area; to get to the summary page, click on the header of the section (e.g., “Favorite Libraries”).