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JARDA Site Re-Designed

The Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives (JARDA) was recently re-designed and updated to be an integral part of the Calisphere Web site. JARDA’s more than 10,000 government and personal photographs, official documents, transcribed oral histories, paintings, diaries, and other primary sources bring you inside the story of Japanese American incarceration during World War II.

Representative images and documents were hand selected and organized into the following four areas:

  • People: The faces of the men, women, and children who were incarcerated
  • Places: Prewar neighborhoods and wartime camps
  • Daily Life: People eating, sleeping, working, playing, and going to school
  • Personal Experiences: Letters, diaries, novels, poems, and art that express the emotional experiences of internees

For each of these areas, there are essays that put the items in historical context along with selected browse terms. There are also lessons plans for grades 4-12 that suggest ways teachers can further help students understand this controversial time in American history.

You can visit JARDA at