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Next Generation Melvyl Pilot Enhancements – August 2010

Several enhancements appear in the Next Generation Melvyl (NGM) Pilot as a result of OCLC’s Sunday, August 8, 2010 install.  The improvements include the following:

Some OCLC databases will no longer require authentication:  Offsite patrons will no longer need to authenticate from the databases listed below:

  • WorldCat
  • ArchiveGrid
  • ArticleFirst
  • Electronic Books
  • Electronic Collections Online
  • ERIC (from OCLC)
  • GPO (from OCLC)
  • MEDLINE (from OCLC)
  • OAIster
  • PapersFirst
  • ProceedingsFirst
  • WorldCat Dissertations and Theses

Permalink on detailed record changing back to OCLC number:  OCLC is changing the permalink back to the OCLC number.  This does not affect the title in the URL as linked to:

The permalink for the above will become:

Change in placement of FirstSearch full text link:  IP authenticated users are presented with a link to FirstSearch full text for those libraries who have subscriptions to full text databases.  The link is currently displayed under the institution name; it is being moved up to the “Get this article” section to make it more visible to the user.

All Music Guide (Rovi) evaluative content to appear in and WorldCat Local: New evaluative content has been licensed by OCLC and to be added quarterly to more than 250,000 pop and classical records includes:

  • Additional descriptions
  • Genres and styles
  • Release dates
  • Tracks
  • AMG top track picks for pop music
  • Ratings and reviews for pop music
  • Cover art

These enhancements are described in the PDF  ( along with other changes that do not currently have an impact on UC’s implementation of the Next Generation Melvyl Pilot.