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CDL’s Director of eScholarship Publishing, Catherine Mitchell, in the News

By Ellen Meltzer, Manager, Information Services

CDL’s Director of eScholarship Publishing, Catherine Mitchell, has been re-envisioning scholarly publishing, a topic that’s of broad interest right now.   Mitchell insists in a Library Journal interview, “There are a lot of publishing needs across the UC system that are going unmet, and we can bring better service to those individuals, departments, units, and centers, really compelling services.”  Read more in Institutional Repositories: Thinking Beyond the Box.

Clifford Lynch commented on the final report of ARL’s Digital Repository Issues Task Force, The Research Library’s Role in Digital Repository Services, in which Mitchell is also cited, “There’s a new report from the Association of Research Libraries that looks carefully and thoughtfully at what we have learned about the role of research libraries in Digital Repository Services, and provides an up-to-date perspective of the area in the broader context of developments in areas such as e-research.”

Want to learn more?  You can see and hear Mitchell, one of several “experts and advocates examin[ing] the state of the art in digital repositories in a new series of videos ( now freely available online from SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition).”

Mitchell and UC’s Press’s Laura Cerruti have an upcoming article in Against the Grain on the collaboration between CDL and the University of California Press:
Mitchell, Catherine and Laura Cerruti.  2009.  Local, Sustainable, and Organic Publishing:  A Library-Press Collaboration at the University of California.  Against the Grain 20(6): 22-28.

We are proud of Catherine’s leadership and contributions to the field of scholarly publishing on behalf of the University of California libraries.