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Category: Web Archiving

Web Archiving Resource: IIPC "Active Solutions"

In September the California Digital Library hosted the 2009 iPRES digital preservation conference in San Francisco.  In conjunction with iPRES, the International Internet Preservation Consortium hosted a one-day open session: Active Solutions for Preserving Internet Content.  The presentations from that […]

Web Archiving Resource: Library of Congress Video

The Library of Congress has prepared a brief video to convey the need for web archiving and to describe web archiving efforts at LC. This video provides a good introduction to the collection, access and technological challenges faced by web […]

Public Access to Web Archiving Service Goes Live

The California Digital Library is pleased to announce public access to the archives built with the Web Archiving Service. The tools that CDL provides to capture, curate and preserve websites now also enable librarians to publish the archives they've created for the benefit of researchers and the general public.

Release 1 of the Web Archiving Service

The Web-at-Risk, a CDL Digital Preservation Group project, achieved a major milestone with Release 1 of the Web Archiving Service (WAS) to a pilot group of project curators.  Development of the WAS marks a crucial step in enabling the libraries […]