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Category: Special Collections

OAC Best Practices Guidelines for Encoding New Finding Aids

The CDL OAC Working Group (OACWG) subcommittee on Metadata Standards has recently developed and released two important documents: the OAC Best Practices Guidelines for Encoding New Finding Aids Draft 11/28/00 (BPG) and the Minimal Level OAC MARC Record for CDL […]

California Counts Prototype Update

Background California Counts, CDL’s planned gateway to social science data, is Phase I of CDL’s government information initiative.  California Counts will provide a single, easy-to-use, WWW interface through which users can easily find, combine, display, and use data.  The California […]

California Counts – Government Information Initiative

California Counts, Phase I of the Government Information Initiative (highlighted in December 7, 1999 CDLINFO: is underway.  The CDL obtained a portion of the funding for the California Counts prototype through an interagency agreement with the California State Library […]

Online Archive of California — New Support via Grants from LSTA, IMLS

A $360,000 grant from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the California State Library, will enable the creation of the Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive (JARDA).  A cooperative project involving nine OAC participants — UC Berkeley, UCLA, […]

OAC Documentation

A section on the Online Archive of California (OAC) has been added to the Shared Collections Web page at [] and contains background information, working documents, and meeting notes of the OAC Working Group: Online Archive of California (OAC) [PDF] […]

Online Archive of California Developments

The OAC Advisory Working Group recommended two thematic areas for digitizing archival material across UC campuses.  SOPAG and the University Librarians endorsed the recommendation of a collaborative focus on the arts in California and ethnic communities in California for primary […]

Grant Support Received for Online Archive of California

In September 1998, LSTA awarded funds to the California Digital Library (CDL) to continue development of its Online Archive of California (OAC).  The Library Services and Technology Act states as an objective the promotion of innovative programs in the ever […]

Status of the Online Archive of California, by Brian Schottlaender

Work on what was formerly known as the UC-EAD (Encoded Archival Description) Project, now known as the Online Archive of California (OAC) Project, began in October 1996.  The goal of the project is to convert to machine-readable form and make […]