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Category: Publishing

Digital Preservation News

The CDL Digital Preservation Group has been busy with a variety of exciting activities.

Librarian Toolkits for Scholarly Communication

This summer the Scholarly Communications Officers completed work on three toolkits to help librarians when discussing scholarly communication issues with faculty and each other.  One toolkit deals with the economic issues surrounding scholarly communication, a second deals with the role […]

eScholarship Repository Milestones

The eScholarship Repository reached an important milestone last week: the 2,000,000th full-text download from the repository. See < >. Adoption of the eScholarship Repository is accelerating.  It took two years to log the first half-million downloads in the repository, […]

Updated versions of OAC and eScholarship Editions

Last week the CDL released updated versions of the Online Archive of California (OAC) <> and eScholarship Editions <>. The eScholarship Editions home page provides more visible access to various browse options. Most of the other noticeable interface changes were […]

eScholarship Repository: One Million Downloads Reached; Postprints Service Launched

The eScholarship Repository has reached one million full-text downloads, a remarkable achievement given the repository’s short life. On Wednesday, the eScholarship program announced the launch of its new eScholarship Repository postprints service, which provides scholars with another option for regaining […]

Reshaping Scholarly Communication Web Site Launched

The Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC) is happy to report that a new web site, “Reshaping Scholarly Communication,” is now live at: The site has already received notice in SPARC’s Open Access Forum news and elsewhere.  Aimed primarily at […]

eScholarship Seminar Series Service Launched

Seminar Series, a new service for UC faculty available through the eScholarship Repository, has just been launched at: Using the seminar series service, faculty can give their seminars, lecture series, and colloquia a lasting and highly visible presence on […]

New Interface Customization Tools for the CDL METS Repository

Institutions can now access their digital collections in the CDL METS Repository through their own interfaces, using the newly released CDL Interface Customization Tools: The CDL has been developing a digital object repository to support the collections it manages, […]

Office of Scholarly Communication Established

The CDL has established an Office of Scholarly Communication in response to: the continuing economic crises in scholarly communication; the growing concern about the impacts of those crises on UC; the broadening desire to assist scholars in the use of […]

UC’s eScholarship Repository Adds Peer-Reviewed Publications

University of California faculty can now use the eScholarship Repository to provide free, open access to peer-reviewed series and journals online at The eScholarship Repository’s new peer-review capability provides UC faculty with several benefits.  By publishing a journal or […]