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Category: Publishing

New Resources Available

a. eScholarship Repository Journal, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Now Available The first eScholarship Repository peer-reviewed journal, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science (SFEWS) (<> ), is now available. Repository journals are free and available to any Internet user. […]

Over 1000 UC Press eScholarship Editions Now Available

The collection of UC Press eScholarship Editions ( ) available to the UC community continues to grow.  Over 1000 titles are now available; an additional 500 titles will be published by the end of the calendar year.  About 400 […]

eScholarship Repository Reaches Major Milestones

The eScholarship Repository <> has reached several major milestones since its launch in April 2002.  The Repository offers University of California faculty a central online location for depositing working papers, technical reports, research results, datasets with commentary, and peer-reviewed series.  […]

New Resource Available

a.  University of California Press eScholarship Editions On October 28 the CDL released the first 500 University of California Press eScholarship Editions  Three hundred of the titles, many of which are out of print, are now available to the […]

eScholarship Repository Update

The eScholarship Repository–a central location for faculty working papers, pre-publications, and technical reports–is entering the second phase in its rollout.  To see the repository in action, including a complete list of groups that have joined, visit In the first […]

UCIAS Digital Collection Debuts

University of California International and Area Studies (UCIAS) is pleased to announce the debut of the UCIAS Digital Collection [], a peer-reviewed electronic publications program. UCIAS is a partnership of the University of California Press, the eScholarship program at the […]

eScholarship Repository Launched

On April 3rd an important new component of the eScholarship program was launched by the CDL.  The eScholarship Repository [] stores and distributes working papers authored or sponsored by faculty from the University of California.  Searching and viewing the content […]

CDL’s eScholarship Program and Berkeley Electronic Press Partnership

On October 4, the CDL and Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) announced a partnership to advance innovations in scholarly communication.  Through the partnership, the CDL will make a suite of electronic publishing tools from bepress available to University of California researchers […]

California Digital Library Standards Documents

The CDL has recently adopted several guidelines for the use of standards in its collections and services which it supports and hosts.  Notable among them are guidelines for the creation and encoding of digital objects, and best practices for the […]

January 2001 Release of the CDL

The January 2001 release, marking the beginning of the CDL’s third year of operation, includes new content and enhancements of existing services. The release is possible through the efforts of CDL and campus staff.  We are very grateful to our […]