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Category: WEST

Happy Holidays from the WEST Project Team!

We wish you and your staff a very happy holiday season and peaceful, prosperous new year!

Managing the Print Archiving Process: Answering a Call for Holdings

In November, we looked at how WEST Archive Builders manage and build print archives for silver and gold archive types (click here for a refresher). As part of this archive building process, Builders send a call for holdings to WEST member libraries […]

WEST Executive Committee Election Results

The Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) is governed by an Executive Committee that oversees the operation and development of WEST and works to integrate WEST with related archiving programs nationally and internationally. WEST carried out elections for the Executive Committee […]

Reminder – WEST ALA Midwinter Meeting: Please RSVP if you plan to attend

ALA Midwinter is fast approaching; if you plan to attend the WEST Member meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2014 from 1-2:30 pm in MAR-Franklin 08, please RSVP. You can RSVP to our poll (found here) by submitting your name and institution. There is no […]

WEST at ALA Midwinter 2014 in Philadelphia: Please RSVP if you plan to attend

There will be a WEST Member meeting at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia, Sunday, January 26, 2014 from 1-2:30 pm in MAR-Franklin 08. WEST members are encouraged to attend to hear updates about the program. We hope to see you there! […]

Managing the Print Archiving Process: Building a WEST Archive

Winter is a busy time of year for WEST. In addition to gathering holdings data for cycle 4 collections analysis, our Archive Builders are also building cycle 3 print archives to hold in storage. Your institution may have recently received […]

Updates from beyond WEST: Shared Print at the 2013 Charleston Conference

At the Charleston Conference, two shared print groups, the Maine Shared Collections Strategy (MSCS) and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation’s (CIC) Shared Print Repository, presented on their projects, goals and activities. In “Data to Decisions: Shared Print Retention in Maine,” […]

Emily Stambaugh speaks on "Reinventing Shared Print" and provides update on UC Shared Print and WEST

The OCLC Collective Insight Series event, “Getting off the Island: Collaborating to Create Boundless Collections,” was held at Loyola Marymount University on October 15, 2013. The interactive program explored current and future opportunities to share print and electronic collections across […]

WEST members provide journal files for Archive Cycle 4 collection analysis

WEST members are currently providing files of library journal holdings data for the fourth round of collection analysis (Archive Cycle 4.) Each year, WEST members provide their holdings for regional collection analysis to support group and local decision-making about what […]

UC Libraries receive grant to support Phase 2 of the Western Regional Storage Trust

Researchers can be assured that the scholarly record will be preserved for future generations through a coordinated system of trusted print archives held at libraries throughout the western United States. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the University of […]