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Author: CDL

Chiefs of Bibliographic Groups: Correction

In the last issue of CDLINFO (3:1), the education vocabulary specialist should have been listed as Lorna Lueck (SB) instead of Barbara Glendenning.

Shared Digital Cataloging Begins

Production of Shared Cataloging records for CDL electronic journals began in January at UCSD under the direction of Crystal Graham.  CDL’s Beverlee French provides overall coordination of this effort with collections, acquisitions, etc. Rebecca Doherty at the CDL is responsible […]

Digital Library Strategy Discussions

The CDL and various working groups and task forces have been engaged in many discussion sessions at the campuses, with more to come.  In the fall representatives from the Tools and Services Working Group held meetings at each campus to […]

Update on the RFP Process for CDL-Hosted Databases

Members of the Steering Committee for the RFP process have organized various forums on their campuses during December and January to provide opportunities for librarians, library staff, faculty, and students to learn about why a replacement for the Melvyl Catalog […]

HSCI Changes

RLG’s History of Science & Technology database is now the History of Science, Technology, & Medicine database.  This resource includes four international bibliographies: Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science Coverage: 1975-present Source: the History of Science Society (HSS) […]

Chemical Abstracts & CAS REACT via SciFinder Scholar now available!

As announced in the CDL Alert on February 4th, UC students, faculty, and staff at all nine campuses can search Chemical Abstracts (1967- ), Registry (chemical structure searching), and CAS REACT from their personal workstations via SciFinder Scholar.  UCLA’s Department […]

Links to Full Content: Progress Report

a. Article-level Links Beginning on February 3, article-level links appear in displays of article records in the CDL-hosted A&I databases for journals published by Blackwell, Institute of Physics, JSTOR, and Wiley. b. Title-level Links Beginning on February 3, title-level links […]

New Information on the Shared Collections Web Pages

Joint Steering Committee Subject Area Survey Updates Now Available The Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) is charged with identifying appropriate mechanisms for system-wide development of digital collections in the various domains (humanities, social sciences, etc.) to serve UC […]

New Resources

a. Blackwell Trial Records for the 228 electronic journal titles from Blackwell Synergy are now available via the CDL Directory on a trial basis.  Follow this URL to view a listing of these journals in the Directory: [] Note: Trial […]

Enhancements to the CDL-hosted Databases

2000 greets CDL’s users with a wide range of new and improved services.  In addition to the debut of SearchLight, we encourage you to explore these important enhancements: REQUEST Enhancements to the “Request” service for convenient automatic requests by UC […]