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Author: CDL

Persistent Identifier Server

The CDL Technologies group is working with the Shared Cataloging staff at UC San Diego (the “DISC” unit: Digital Information and Serials Cataloging – ( to establish a prototype persistent identifier server.  The advent of Shared Cataloging highlighted the urgency […]

International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) Meeting Summary

Beverlee French and Laine Farley recently attended the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC, formerly known as Consortium of Consortia or COC) meeting on behalf of the CDL.  ICOLC is devoted largely to consortial licensing of content but also to […]

California Counts – Government Information Initiative

California Counts, Phase I of the Government Information Initiative (highlighted in December 7, 1999 CDLINFO: is underway.  The CDL obtained a portion of the funding for the California Counts prototype through an interagency agreement with the California State Library […]

New Listserv for Multi-Disciplinary Resources

The CDL has created the listserv, GENRES-L, to facilitate discussion regarding multi-disciplinary resources.  Any UC staff member can sign-on to the list. There are a variety of existing methods of communication for databases that are of interest to specific groups, […]

July Release: Tests and Mockup Available

Tests and Mockups for the CDL’s semi-annual release of new features and enhancements are now available at: [].  This page contains the most up-to-date information and links to test versions.  All library staff are encouraged to view, test, and comment […]

CDL Web Site Updates

New additions to the CDL Web site include the “1999-Spring 2000 Highlights” document, which includes an overview of the CDL projects from the past year. It is available at: []. The CDL Milestones page [], which contains a chronology of […]

Historical Newspaper Online now available

Historical Newspapers Online (available at: contains indexes of newspaper articles from The Times® and The New York Times and a substantial portion of full-text for The Times. It is comprised of 4 databases: -Palmer’s Index to The Times (coverage: […]

Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe Developments (Linda Kennedy, UCD)

Keeping up to date with changes in Lexis Nexis Academic Universe is a challenge; new titles are added and deleted every month.  There are currently more than 5,000 sources covered in the database.  The “Sources” button on the Academic Universe […]

New CDL-hosted Databases Available from the Web

In addition to accessing Francis and Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals through the RLG Eureka interface, users can now access them from the CDL-hosted databases interface (via z39.50 protocol). a. Francis The FRANCIS database contains more than one million […]

CDL Web Design Advisory Group Appointed

Through its various web sites, the CDL provides services and information about its mission and goals to the UC and other communities.  It is vital that the design of all CDL web sites be clear and unambiguous.  These web sites […]