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Author: CDL

New Resources Now Available

NOTE: The following new resources are not yet in the CDL Directory of Collections and Services; they will be added within the next 2 weeks.  You can access them directly from the URLs provided. a. AP Photo Archive AP Photo […]

Co-Library Staff

a. Patricia Cruse Joins the CDL Trisha was previously on assignment to the CDL from UCSD.  As of August 1, she has been appointed to fill the Manager of Content Development position in CDL’s Shared Content unit.  In the immediate […]

e-Book Task Force Appointed

An e-Book Task Force has been appointed by the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) to define e-book operating guidelines and desirable features and evaluate current e-book experiments.  The goal is to prepare a progress report by December 15, […]

Shared Cataloging Update: Journal Cataloging and PIDs Complete (Becky Culbertson, UCSD)

With the addition of Ethnic Newswatch titles, cataloging of all the online journals in the publisher packages for which CDL has licensed access (as of June 30) has now been completed. The following is an update on the number of […]

Alan Ritch Reappointed to the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections

Alan Ritch has agreed to serve a second term on the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections.  The committee appreciates Alan’s substantial contributions to date and his willingness to continue in this role.  Terms are normally three years but […]

MyLibrary@CDL Prototype Now Available

The Tools and Services Working Group identified the need for a customizing tool to help users manage frequently used information resources in a meaningful way and integrate other personalization services.  They issued a call for ideas in December 1999, identifying […]

New Resource Liaisons Appointed

Please join the CDL in welcoming our new Resource Liaisons. AP Photo Archive Susan Jurist, UCSD Declassified Documents Reference System (DDRS) Andrea Sevetson, UCB Earthquake Engineering Abstracts (EEA) Bob Heyer-Gray, UCD Economist Intelligence Unit Gary Peete, UCB English Short Title […]

GenderWatch License Re-Negotiated

SoftLine Inc.’s GenderWatch database has been added to the CDL’s license with Softline.  Eight UC campuses subscribe to GenderWatch at favorable rates and terms negotiated as part of the CDL 1999 Ethnic Newswatch subscription. GenderWatch is a full text database […]

Art Abstracts and Art Index Retrospective Now Available in CDL-hosted Databases

Access to H. W. Wilson’s Art Abstracts (1984-present) and Art Index Retrospective (1929-1984) via the CDL-hosted databases (Z39.50) is now in place.  Art Abstracts became available on July 19th in the web and telnet interfaces to the CDL-hosted databases and […]

National Research Council Canada (NRC) Journals Available August 3

14 journals (listed below) published by NRC Research Press have been licensed through a co-investment by all the campuses and the CDL.  These peer-reviewed journals cover a wide range of scientific disciplines from pharmacology to forestry; and civil engineering to […]