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Author: CDL

CDL Staff News

a. John Ober Appointed to Open Archives Initiative Steering Committee John Ober (CDL Director for Education and Strategic Innovation) has been named to the steering committee of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI).  The OAI was originally sponsored by the Council […]

Government Information Initiatives Advisory Group Appointed

The CDL has appointed a Government Information Initiatives Advisory Group to be convened by Beverlee French, Associate University Librarian and Director for Shared Content for the CDL. The expected term of service is July 2000-June 2002. Background In 1999 the […]

Publicly Accessible CDL Resources

A new 2-page listing and summary of CDL-hosted resources and services that are available for public use is available on the “adaptable outreach materials” and Instructional Materials web page at

Union Catalog RFP Update

As you know, the CDL has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to determine if the Melvyl Union Catalog and CDL-hosted Databases can be moved from their aging technology infrastructure to a commercial vendor’s system [see CDLINFO February 14, 2000, […]

CDL and UCSD Explore Possibilities for Technology Co-Development

Staff from the CDL and from the UCSD Libraries held a two-day meeting in late July to discuss possibilities for collaborating on the development of technology-based services and tools.  Among the nearly twenty attendees there was agreement on the advantages […]

Request Service to Expand to Undergraduates

The Request Service for books from the catalog and articles from CDL-mounted databases will soon also be available to undergraduates.  Undergraduates may submit up to 5 requests per day (Faculty and Graduates Students can request up to 20 items a […]

New Resource Available

a. Ethnic NewsWatch Historical File The CDL has entered a charter subscription for the Ethnic NewsWatch Historical File.  The first release of “Ethnic NewsWatch: A History” will be available in Fall/Winter 2000 – with completion scheduled for Winter 2003.  When […]

California Counts Prototype Update

Background California Counts, CDL’s planned gateway to social science data, is Phase I of CDL’s government information initiative.  California Counts will provide a single, easy-to-use, WWW interface through which users can easily find, combine, display, and use data.  The California […]

Bibliographer Group Surveys Available

Responses from the May 2000 Subject Selector Surveys for Digital Collection Development are now available on the libstaff web site [].  The surveys are conducted by the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSCSC) as part of its role […]

Database Updates Available on August 17

a. CDL migrates to New FirstSearch (NEW FS) Direct Web Access via FirstSearch On August 17th Users will see a new interface for FirstSearch.  CDL Directory records will change to reflect new URLs that rely on IP addresses authentication for […]