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Author: CDL

New Publications Page

A Publications page has been added to our “About the CDL” section [].  This page contains publications guiding or explaining activities of the California Digital Library and written by its working groups and staff.  It contains links to reports, such […]

SciFinder Scholar Adds More New Content (Marion Peters, UCLA

SciFinder Scholar 2000 now provides access to literature and patents from 1947 to the present.  On April 22, 2001, bibliographic information and abstracts were added for over 2.2 million references published in Chemical Abstracts from 1947 to 1966. Users May: […]

Melvyl® Catalog and Database Transitions

a. Melvyl® Catalog Name On April 27, the University Librarians and SOPAG discussed the first of many policy issues related to the Melvyl®Union Catalog.  As a result, they endorsed a proposal that now takes effect, that the full title of […]

Library Staff News

a. California Cultures Project Manager Genie Guerard of the UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library has agreed to serve as overall Project Manager for the Online Archive of California (OAC) virtual archives project California Cultures. California Cultures will draw on […]

eBook Task Force Final Report Complete

CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) eBook Task Force’s final report on the emerging eBook market and its implications has been completed.  The Task Force members included Lucia Snowhill (JSC, Chair), Karen Coyle (CDL), Mary Engle (CDL), Anna […]

IEEE Journal-level Links (Camille Wanat, UCB)

If you’ve searched for IEEE journals or magazines lately in either the CDL Directory or any of the CDL-hosted databases, you will have noticed a recent and positive change–direct journal-level links for these titles have been added. In the CDL […]

New Resource Available

a. The Ethnic NewsWatch: A History The Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, licensed in fall 2000 (see CDLINFO Vol.3, No.12: is now offering its first release of content, covering the years 1975-1989.  The Ethnic NewsWatch: A History will eventually extend […]

Melvyl® Union Catalog and Database Transitions

Standard PubMed is currently available for searching from the National Library of Medicine []. MEDLINE/PubMed Background UC health sciences librarians were aware that many UC faculty and graduate students were using the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) PubMed system.  PubMed […]

Melvyl® Union Catalog Vendor Chosen

The California Digital Library is pleased to announce that a contract has been signed with Ex Libris [] for its ALEPH 500 system to serve as the underlying technology for the University of California’s Melvyl® Union Catalog.  Ex Libris has […]

Library Staff News

On April 13, Joyce Rawlins is leaving her position at the CDL as Executive Secretary to the University Librarian.  She has accepted a position as Administrative Assistant to the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education at UC Berkeley. Joyce has been […]