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Author: CDL

Take Our Survey! Give us Feedback – Deadline Extended

In September 2003, the CDL launched two new web sites: the CDL “brochure” site, intended to provide general information about the CDL to a broad public audience, and “Inside CDL,” intended to provide UC library staff and other CDL partners […]

Library Staff News

a. Cecily Johns Retires After may years at the University of California, and nearly four years of contributions to Systemwide Library Planning and CDL projects, Cecily Johns officially retired on December 31, 2003. In July 2000, Cecily accepted a part-time […]

New Position: Search Begins for Director of Shared Print Collections

(Courtesy Announcement for Systemwide Library Planning) Daniel Greenstein, Associate Vice Provost for Systemwide Library Planning, has appointed a search committee to assist in filling the unique and challenging position of Director of Shared Print Collections for the University of California […]

CSL Records Complete in the Melvyl Catalog

The California State Library (CSL) “snapshot” and update files have now been completely loaded into the Melvyl Catalog. A separate link to the CSL library catalog [] is also available on the list of “Other Catalogs” in Melvyl. Please share […]

Anthropology Plus: Two RLG Databases Become One

As of January 1, 2004, two RLG anthropology databases “Anthropological Literature” and “Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute” became available as a single database, RLG’s new “Anthropology Plus” database. Anthropology Plus provides extensive worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited […]

Library Staff News

a. New CDLINFO Editor Jennifer Colvin is the CDLINFO editor.  Rosalie Lack, who edited CDLINFO for the past several years, has started a new position at the CDL as Manager of Public Content.  Submissions for CDLINFO may be emailed to […]

Shared Content: Signed License Agreements Now Distributed in PDF

The CDL is now sending the campuses completed license agreements executed by the CDL for shared digital content in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). In the past, licensing staff at the CDL sent these documents in paper to each campus […]

Counting California: New Search Engine for Census 2000 Summary Files 1, 2, 3, and 4 (California)

A new search engine for the Census 2000 Summary Files 1, 2, 3, and 4 is now available at: This search engine allows users to search on table title, description, creator, date, or subject.  We anticipate that all titles […]

Image Service Demonstrator Project: New Web Page

The CDL is pleased to announce the release of a web page for the Image Service Demonstrator Project, a CDL development initiative, at The site is intended primarily for librarians, library staff, and visual resource staff, not end users […]

Take Our Survey! Give us Feedback!

In September 2003, the CDL launched two new web sites: the CDL “brochure” site, intended to provide general information about the CDL to a broad public audience, and “Inside CDL,” intended to provide UC library staff and other CDL partners […]