Author: CDL
Alerts in Web of Science
By Beth Weil, Head Librarian, Marian Koshland Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, UC Berkeley We now have access to a new method for keeping up-to-date on the impact of your research. As a result of CDL negotiations with ISI, you […]
One–Day CDL Workshop Coming: Digital Library Services for UC’s Libraries
Prompted by suggestions from many UC library staff, and with the advice and input of the Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG), the CDL is hosting one-day sessions designed to: Increase your awareness of how you and your library […]
ProQuest User Interface Trial
The UC was one of only a handful of institutions selected to evaluate a new interface and search features being developed by ProQuest. UC librarians voiced their opinions via an online survey and several conference calls. On the UC Irvine […]
Metasearch Infrastructure: User Needs Assessment Activities
The needs assessment has been designed to help the project designers understand current usage patterns and user needs, discover similarities and differences across a variety of audiences, find out which features users find most valuable, and identify any unmet user […]
UC’s eScholarship Repository Adds Peer-Reviewed Publications
University of California faculty can now use the eScholarship Repository to provide free, open access to peer-reviewed series and journals online at The eScholarship Repository’s new peer-review capability provides UC faculty with several benefits. By publishing a journal or […]
ILL Requests for Electronic Resources Now Available Through UC-eLinks
The Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG) has approved a recommendation from the Resource Sharing Committee (RSC) that interlibrary loan (ILL) requests for items with electronic copy no longer be blocked. The CDL implemented this recommendation on Monday, March […]
Reed-Elsevier: Title Lists Available
Effective January 1, 2004, the UC community has had access to a selected list of approximately 1,200 of Reed-Elsevier’s scholarly journals, including titles produced by Harcourt Health Sciences, Academic Press, and Cell Press. The Reed-Elsevier titles and their status in […]
Kluwer Online Journals: Feature Changes and Enhancements
By Julia Gelfand (UC Irvine), Resource Liaison Kluwer has just finished rolling out feature changes and enhancements to the Kluwer Online Journals platform at Some additional features added to the journals site include: Outbound reference linking via CrossRef for […]
New Resource Available
a. CrossFire By Chuck Huber (UC Santa Barbara), Resource Liaison Starting in February, the UC has had systemwide access to CrossFire, a chemistry database system from MDL, Inc., a division of Reed-Elsevier. Previously, several UC campuses had subscribed to part […]
Counting California Wins the 2004 Documents to the People Award
The American Library Association (ALA) Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) awarded Counting California the 2004 Documents to the People Award. Counting California can be accessed at: The award recognizes individuals and institutions who have encouraged the use of government […]