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Author: CDL

SAGE Journals Available on CSA and High Wire

The CDL is pleased to announce that after three years of active negotiation the UC community finally has access to the award-winning SAGE journals. Until recently, SAGE was not willing to license to consortia. Sage journals cover a diverse range […]

2004 Database and Revised Ejournal View Statistics Now Available:

Database searches by campus: Report for January 1, 2004 – December 31, 2004. Includes consortium-level data for calendar year 2003 as well. [password-protected] Ejournal articles viewed by campus: Report for January 1, 2004 – December 31, 2004. Includes consortium-level data […]

New Resource Available

a. Optics Infobase By Karen Andrews (UC Davis), Resource Liaison Optics InfoBase, the digital version of the Optical Society of America’s publications, is now available to all UC campuses at . Optics InfoBase contains OSA’s seven signature journals as […]

Resource Wranglers

In 2004, the CDL formed a new internal team called the Resource Wranglers to proactively handle issues and tackle problems related to CDL-licensed article databases and ejournals.  The team communicates UC’s needs to vendors, tracks vendor issues, and follows up […]

Image Services Rollout and Advisory Committee

The UC Heads of Public Services (HOPS) formed an Image Services Rollout and Advisory Committee (ISRAC) to plan for the rollout of the UC Image Service and to address related issues, such as copyright and collection development in an advisory […]

UC Image Service News

UC’s shared image collections are accessed using Luna Insight. a. Luna Insight Software version 5.1 Released The following are key enhancements to the user interface.  A complete list of new features in Insight version 5.1 is available on the Luna […]

1970 US Census Data Now Available

1970 Census (2nd Count) is now available in Counting California This data set contains demographic items tabulated for each person (i.e., 100 percent count of persons), including data on age, race, ethnicity, sex, marital status, and information on schooling, labor […]

Library Staff News

a. Shirley Leung to Serve as Senior Associate for East Asian Digital Resources Shirley Leung has temporarily joined the CDL as Senior Associate for East Asian Digital Resources. Shirley was the University Librarian at Hong Kong Baptist University for the […]

Vendor Selected for MLA IB

A new vendor has been selected for the Modern Language Association International Bibliography (MLA IB) and the MLA Directory.  MLA will remove its database from the current CDL-licensed platform, Ovid, at the end of June. After careful review and analysis […]

Users Council: Annual Meeting

The Users Council met for its annual meeting on April 22 at Preservation Park in Oakland. Topics discussed during the morning session included UC-eLinks, Google Scholar, Metasearch, scholarly communication, the Melvyl Catalog, and Request.  The afternoon was devoted to brief […]