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Author: CDL

OAC Receives the Society of American Archivist’s Coker Award

On August 19, 2005, at the Society of American Archivist’s annual meeting, the Online Archive of California (OAC) received the C.F.W. Coker Award in recognition of the OAC’s finding aid system, which provides a model for a consortial approach to […]

Springer Online Journal Archive Update

By Adolfo Tarango, UCSD Springer Online Journal Archives include approximately 1,200 journal titles in eleven subject area packages, which are being released from May 2005 to October 2005.  Springer has told CDL that by October 95% of all archival content […]

SearchLight: Lights Out!

CDL’s SearchLight, a cross-database, cross-vendor search tool, has allowed users to simultaneously search online catalogs, indexes, electronic journals, electronic texts, reference resources, and more.  It was among the first of its kind anywhere when it debuted in January 2000, but […]

Simultaneous User Limits for Web of Knowledge Databases Removed

Effective immediately, there are no simultaneous user limits for UC licensed Web of Knowledge databases, BIOSIS Previews, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, or Science Citation Index.  Many people at UC have worked hard to get ISI […]

INSPEC Archive

The INSPEC backfile, or archive, as described in an earlier issue of CDLINFO []  is now available on Ovid, along with INSPEC. UC access to the INSPEC Backfile on the IEE platform will be discontinued as of September 30, 2005.

Copy and Paste Citation in UC-eLinks Window

UC-eLinks now offers the ability for users to copy and paste a citation and full text link into a course reading list, bibliography, web page, or other application. Five campuses (UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and […]

New Resources Available

CDL is pleased to announce that Women and Social Movements has been licensed systemwide.  This new database of full text materials serves as a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. women’s history. Organized around the history […]

The New Interface for Expanded Academic ASAP

Beginning August 15th the Expanded Academic ASAP database licensed by CDL, will have a new interface.  The Thomson Gale PowerSearch interface provides a number of new features and services that UC users will welcome.  Enhanced search screens will allow users […]

Changes to the Melvyl Catalog

The CDL is pleased to announce several enhancements to the Melvyl® Catalog.  These changes to the user interface may have an impact on campus guides, training materials and teaching strategies. 1. After receiving several suggestions, and after careful consideration and […]

New Resource Available

a. Methods in Enzymology Online (Elsevier) By David J Owen (UCSF), Resource Liaison Methods in Enzymology is a book series published by Elsevier Science and provided online via ScienceDirect.  This critically acclaimed series has been a laboratory standard for over […]