Celebrating Our Members: WEST Member Badges
Here in WEST, we’re incredibly proud and grateful for the work our members have done and continue to do to collaboratively develop, manage, and coordinate the identification, retention, and registration of a shared, distributed collection of print content across libraries. Because of this, we want to provide our members with a way to celebrate their contributions in WEST.
To this end, we created three member badges, which enable members to showcase the access they get through the WEST collective collection and local contributions to the WEST archives for Archive Holders and Builders.
Two of our members, University of Wyoming and San Diego State University, piloted these badges for us and you can see them in action on their websites!
One neat feature about the badges is that these act as links to the WEST homepage so that anyone interested in the badge on your webpage can be quickly taken to the WEST website to learn more.
If you are interested in using these badges on your own website, we have set up a webpage to walk you through the process of implementing them: https://cdlib.org/west/west-archives/logo-and-member-badges/
Additionally, these badges are meant to serve the WEST community, so if you think of a way to change or improve them while using them, please let the WEST Analyst, Nika Burns Teshin, know at nika.worth@ucop.edu