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SCP Update – June 2024

Highlights on Titles Cataloged for CDL-Managed Electronic Collections in May 2024

  • ACM Digital Library Complete: 13
  • Airiti Books (華藝中文電子書) (Local-L DDA): 500
  • Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 All eBooks: 574 (GOBI)
  • Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) (Series 1-11): 16584
  • Dacheng Laojiukan Quanwen Shujuku (大成老旧刊全文数据库) (Local-L): 33
  • IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) Conference Proceedings: 229
  • JSTOR Books DDA: 458
  • KinoDen: 6
  • National Academies Press: 6
  • Oxford Scholarship Online 2024 Frontlist: 120 (GOBI)
  • Springer English/International eBooks 2023 – Full Set: 179 (GOBI)
  • Springer German Language eBooks 2023 – Full Set: 362 (GOBI)
  • Wiley Online Library All English Titles 2022: 5 (GOBI)
  • Wiley Online Library Frontlist All English Titles 2024: 39 (GOBI)
  • Collection level bib records: 7

Highlights on Cataloging OA resources:

  • Brill Online Reference Works online (Local-OA): Requested by a UCSB selector. The local collection has been created to include three OA access reference works. Collection ID: 61561866610006531 MMS ID: 9920688582306531
    • The Plantin Press Online. Requested by a UCSB selector. The Plantin Press Online aims to provide in-depth bibliographical descriptions of all editions printed and published by Christopher Plantin (c. 1520–1589) in Antwerp and by his officina in Leiden until his death on 1 July 1589. Based on the printed edition compiled by Léon Voet in collaboration with Jenny Voet-Grisolle (Amsterdam, 1980–1983), this open-access research tool incorporates the latest bibliographical findings as well as corrections to the print edition. The dataset is continuously updated and complemented by specialists at the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp. (MMS ID: 9920785880906531)
    • Encyclopaedia Iranica Online: Requested by a UCSB selector. Encyclopaedia Iranica is the most renowned reference work in the field of Iran studies. Founded by the late Professor Ehsan Yarshater and edited at the Ehsan Yarshater Center for Iranian Studies at Columbia University, this monumental international project brings together the scholarship about Iran of thousands of authors around the world. (MMS ID: 9912393443306531)
    • Catalog of Catalogs Online, A Bibliography of Temporary Exhibition Catalogs Since 1876 that Contain Items of Judaica. Requested by a UCSB selector. This Brill Collection Catalog of Catalogs documents nearly 2,300 temporary exhibition catalogs, 1876-2018, that include objects of Judaica. It provides highly detailed indices of these publications’ subjects, exhibited objects and geographical foci. (MMS ID: 9912594617406531)

Highlights on Other Activities:

  • SCP Staff: Annie Ross and Bie-hwa Ma will retire on July 1, 2024
    • Annie joined the Shared Cataloging Program in February 2011, after joining UCSD in 2007 as the Archivist’s Toolkit Project Support Coordinator (ArchivesSpace Project Coordinator). With SCP, she has mainly cataloged conference proceedings for IEEE and ACM Collections, as well as ACM ebooks, IEEE standards, ASTM manuals, standards symposia papers. Demonstrating a diligent and self-motivated approach, Annie consistently aims to enhance user discovery and operational efficiency while cataloging these materials, adding additional conference acronym-date access points, observing the patterns of records contributed by other libraries, developing strategies and/or modifying macros, etc. Of note is her enduring collaboration with University of Maryland catalogers in the sharing of OCLC records dedicated to IEEE conference proceedings over the last 13 years. Annie has fostered cultural diversity and inclusion through her active involvement in various UCSD campus and San Diego community activities supporting underrepresented communities. Her contributions include serving on the UCSD’s César E. Chávez Celebration Planning Committee, participating in the César E. Chávez Scholarship subcommittee, and planning the annual Chicano Park Day celebration in San Diego. Annie has continuously supported first-generation college students and Spanish-speaking students in effectively accessing library resources.
    • Bie-hwa joined the Shared Cataloging Program in November 2007 as the Chinese Language Electronic Resource Cataloging Librarian. Over her 16-year tenure, she has demonstrated expertise in cataloging CDL tier 1 and tier 2 Chinese electronic resources. Bie-hwa has adeptly navigated various challenges related to Chinese e-resources, including addressing issues such as lack or poor quality of MARC records, non-standards compliant URLs and metadata in vendor title lists, poorly constructed vendor home pages for resources, especially for titles of serial that have gone through multiple title changes, and vendor’s lack of awareness of Western cataloging practices and cataloging standards.  Additionally, Bie-hwa proactively engaged with UC East Asian bibliographers and content providers to emphasize the importance of adhering to national and international metadata standards and best practices for optimal outcomes. She also reached out to the East Asian Library Community and advocated for the creation of the Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources (ERMB) within the Council on East Asian Library (CEAL) (later became a standing committee) and served as an inaugural co-chair from 2013-2019 for three terms. While chairing the ERMB, Bie-hwa organized an international collaboration between CEAL and China Academic Library and Information System (CALIS-a nation-wide university library consortium) for translation and research of 13 selected NISO standards and recommended practices related to electronic resources are commendable. The materials have been successfully posted on the CALIS website. She also initiated a CEAL cooperative cataloging of Chinese electronic resources that helped increase the number of better-quality records added to OCLC and shared within the library community. Her efforts have been ongoing, and the outcomes are positive and impactful. She is a “mover and shaker” and her initiatives and leadership had been recognized and appreciated within the East Asian e-resources ecosystem.

Report an Alma/Primo VE problem: This page outlines how and when campuses should report access issues to CDL. This page can be found under CDL’s Report a Problem page under “Report a SILS (Alma or Primo VE) Problem”.