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The Future of Shared Print Metadata: Towards a New Shared Print Actions: Terminology

The shared print community has long relied on the OCLC Shared Print Metadata Guidelines to disclose retention commitments and physical validation activities in local and national systems which is based on Preservation & Digitization Actions: Terminology for MARC 21 Field 583 (PDA). As shared print has evolved to become a more integral part of the full collection lifecycle, PDA: Terminology no longer suits the needs of the shared print community. Following conversations and agreement with the group that maintains the PDA: Terminology, the Shared Print Metadata Guidelines Working Group (SPMG) has been jointly charged by the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book Collections to define standardized terminology for shared print actions for use in shared print disclosure that is both grounded in established practices and offers solutions for unmet disclosure needs in the community. SPMG has concluded the first phase of its charge, and is pleased to share the draft Shared Print Actions: Terminology for community review and comment.

What this terminology does: Establishes a community-owned document that codifies existing shared print disclosure needs and establishes pathways for describing unmet shared print disclosure needs and incorporating them into community disclosure practices in a systematic way.

What this terminology does not do: Replace any existing disclosure policy set by shared print programs. The terminology does not dictate whether programs and libraries should adopt any specific action term.

SPMG hosted a public webinar on November 7 to formally introduce the draft terminology as well as plans for approving it across the shared print community. You can access the webinar recording here:

SPMG will be hosting additional meetings in the new year to discuss the contents of the draft more deeply with members of the community. These are conceived of as more informal drop-in sessions, but meetings may focus on specific topics if community feedback indicates that dedicated discussion would be useful.

  • Tuesday, January 16
  • Tuesday, January 30 
  • Monday, February 5