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Two J-DAC databases (Socio-Cultural History Database)

The two databases are part of Shakai bunkashi dētabēsu 社会文化史データベース = Socio-Cultural History Database included in J-DAC and are found on the database homepage at:

The two new resources included are: 

  1. Seifūzoku kishō zasshi korekushon  性風俗稀少雑誌コレクション  (Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs): Database offering cross-sectional access to potentially around 430 issues of popular entertainment/adult magazines published between 1950s and 1970s.
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  2. Nihon Shinrei” dejitaru ākaibu 「日本心霊」デジタルアーカイブ (“Nihon Shinrei” Digital Archive, Bulletin of Spirit Society of Japan, 1915-1939): A rare bulletin that gathers various people from various fields of medicine, religion, thought, and literature with “spirit” as a node
    URL =

All UC campuses have access thanks to UCSB who fully paid for the resources.
Toshie Marra, UCB ( is the Tier 2 lead for this resource.