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SCP Update – August 2022

Highlights on Titles Cataloged for CDL-Managed Electronic Collections in July 2022

  • ACM Digital Library Complete: 133
  • CNPe-Reading (易阅通) (Local-L DDA): 166
  • Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2022 All Books: 676 (GOBI)
  • JSTOR Books DDA: 241
  • National Academies Press: 6691 (brought from CDL IZ)
  • Springer English/International eBooks 2022 – Full Set: 4825 (GOBI)
  • Springer German Language eBooks 2022 – Full Set: 745 (GOBI)
  • Wiley Online Library All English Titles 2022: 344 (GOBI)

Highlights on Other Activities:

  • SCP extended the deadline for the LP4 position until August 18.
  • As a result of CDL IZ and SILS NZ gap analysis, SCP identified a few OA collections in the CDLIZ to evaluate and determine whether to activate those collections in the CZ or to bring over records from CDL IZ.
  • SCP has also started to remove the standalone portfolios that are duplicated with to NZ-activated portfolios.

Report an Alma/Primo VE problem: This page outlines how and when campuses should report access issues to CDL. This page can be found under CDL’s Report a Problem page under “Report a SILS (Alma or Primo VE) Problem”.