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SCP Update – January 2022

Highlights on Titles Cataloged for CDL-Managed Electronic Collections in December 2021

  • CNPe-Reading (易阅通) (Local-L DDA): 228
  • JSTOR Books DDA: 576

Please see detailed reports at: 

Highlights on Other Activities

  • While waiting for CDL Acquisitions (CDLA) to complete their part of the cleanup, SCP reviewed the pending OA collection requests and sent the proposed 2022Q1 cataloging project priorities to UC CKG chairs and JSC before the holidays. JSC reviewed and approved them on January 7 with suggestions on assessing any potential negative impact on user discovery experiences when multiple linking options for overlapping contents in near future. For status of requested collections, please click here.
  • SCP worked with Gem Stone-Logan, CDL senior system analyst, on developing a prompted report by electronic collection ID to pull certain metadata out of an electronic collection into a table so SCP catalogers can determine whether metadata for a CZ collection is good enough and if there is any overlap with other CDL-managed collections. 
  • SCP and CDLA now have a workflow to process portfolios of newly licensed eBook collections, such as MIT Press Direct, UC Press via De Gruyter. In addition CDLA will determine whether to add local portfolios based on the vendor title list for titles not available in a CZ activated collection. SCP will follow up with cataloging.
  • SCP continues to look at some workflow questions to work out the workflows with the CDL e-resource team (ERT), such as new collection launch process, OA collection activation process, when a cataloger encounters new titles not in CZ activated portfolios, etc.
  • Becky Culbertson finished reviewing problematic linking of about 800 standalone OA titles (individual titles requested by bibliographers and cataloged by SCP before migration):
    • 599 with bad bibpurls corrected: Kate Garvey-Clasby worked with Becky to identify 200+ unique OA titles among them and added them into NZ
    • 200+ with bad BibPURLs couldn’t be fixed: Becky deleted holdings
  • Lisa Mackinder, CDL interim assistant director of systemwide licensing, has been combining all CDL cleanup task lists into one list to help streamline the migration cleanup process. The reports are ready for ERT members and will soon be open to UC systemwide on the SILS confluence.
  • There were some system updates that caused some reporting errors in JSTOR DDA that generated some confusion and additional work for Kate. She had just taken over the package during the interim of Donal O’Sullivan’s vacancy, so it has taken some significant time to sort it out.
  • Bie-hwa Ma, Chinese electronic metadata librarian, passed the Alma certificate course on Dec. 31, 2021, so all SCP catalogers now hold Alma certificates.
  • SILS Update: starting January 2022, the following CDL ERT members serve on SILS Operations Subteams: 
      • Shi Deng (SCP): SILS Resource Management-Cataloging & Metadata Operations Subteams (SILS RM-CMOS)
      • Adriana Moran (CDLA): SILS Acquisitions Operations Subteams  
      • Lisa Mackinder (CDL ERT): SILS E-Resources Operations Subteams
  • CDL recruitment:
    • Kristen Chua, has joined the Information Services team as an Information Services Analyst beginning December 6, 2021, filling Brian David’s vacancy. She will work together with Jayne Dickson on CDL helpline requests, etc.
    • Interviews for candidates for the Electronic Resources Services Manager position have been concluded, hopefully the position will be filled soon.