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Reminder and Full Agenda: WEST Members Meeting Thursday, July 29, 12:30-2pm PT

WEST will hold its 2021 summer members’ meeting virtually this year on Thursday July 29, 2021, from 12:30-2pm PT. Please register in advance for this meeting. Information for joining the meeting will be shared automatically after registering. 

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks 
  • Brief WEST Refresher
  • Lessons from Library Collaborations – with guest speaker Roger Schonfeld (Program Director, Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums at Ithaka S+R)

Academic and research libraries have sought for more than a century to collaborate with one another in order to achieve wider and more efficient access to collections, generate greater negotiating power, and provide stronger systems and services. To succeed, library collaborations have had to overcome substantial structural impediments. Our transition to a pervasive digital environment has introduced new challenges and new opportunities for collaboration, including in areas of digitization, discovery, and preservation. The history of library collaboration has many lessons for us today, from unavoidable tradeoffs around governance and agility to the relative roles of community control and commercial catalysts. This talk will draw in part on Roger’s book with Deanna Marcum, to be published by Princeton University Press this September, on the history of library digitization. In the talk, Roger will provide an overview of some key lessons and leave ample time for discussion..

We will be gathering questions in this public discussion document during the meeting. Attendees are also welcome to contribute questions to the discussion document ahead of the meeting. 

  • Select Program Updates
    • New WEST Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles
    • New WEST Systems Developments: Enhancing local discovery of WEST archived collections, collection comparison capabilities, and metadata validation for members
  • Closing remarks including recognition of WEST governance and working group members

Register in advance for this meeting: 

Please note that the WEST virtual members’ meeting will be recorded. Live captioning will be available via Zoom’s automated transcription feature; if other accommodations are necessary, please contact Anna Striker at