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You Don’t Have To Be A Techie To Create Computer Transcriptions of Handwritten Documents

If your collection contains handwritten documents that could benefit from transcription, then Transkribus may be just what you need. Funded by the European Commission’s READ project, Transkribus can transcribe documents written in many languages and requires no technical knowledge on the part of the user. 

While there are extensive training materials on the Transkribus Web site, there is nothing like a short training class to kickstart your efforts.  Luckily, a free Mellon funded Transkribus online training class is being offered by the University of Denver on February 16 and 18 and it is easy to sign up at EventBrite.  

Transkribus is an exciting step forward in making handwritten materials more widely available for study so take advantage of this workshop if you have documents more people in the world would like to use in their research.