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Welcome to Gem Stone-Logan as CDL’s new SILS Senior Systems Analyst!

The California Digital Library’s Discovery & Delivery program is pleased to welcome Gem Stone-Logan as our Senior Systems Analyst, effective Jan 7, 2021. In this analyst role, Gem will primarily work on the Systemwide Integrated Library System (SILS) project, helping to move us forward to a successful migration this summer; and will also be taking advantage of the new integrated catalog to do data analysis for the UC Libraries Collection. We had a very strong pool of candidates and an aggressive hiring timeline to get the position filled by end of year, and were so pleased that Gem could join us and jump right in!


Before joining CDL, Gem spent the last 15 years administering (and obsessing over) integrated library systems, most recently at the Seattle Public Library. While in Colorado, she helped the High Plains Library District migrate from the Horizon ILS to Sierra. Gem earned her M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and received her B.A. in Computer Science at Walla Walla College.


Gem married the guy she sat next to in Operating Systems class and has two boys who are 11 and 5. She enjoys reading, hiking, board games, and finding answers to weird questions. Her favorite book genres are science fiction, fantasy, and romance. 


Gem will be working remotely from her home in Los Gatos so feel free to reach out to her by email or Zoom. Please join me in welcoming the fabulous Gem Stone-Logan to our team!