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WorldCat Discovery: Bug Fixes

The WorldCat Discovery installation on August 14, 2019 included the following improvements.
The running list of release notes can be found at (Note:  Not all of the enhancements/bug fixes are relevant to the UC Melvyl instances.)
Bug fixes

Local Bibliographic Data notes display in detailed views for all supported languages. When metadata in languages such as Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, and others is entered into local bibliographic data fields that display in WorldCat Discovery, this metadata now displays to users. Prior to this release, metadata from these languages displayed only if it was linked to a field that contained Latin text.
Family names display first in 1xx and 7xx fields for all supported languages. In some cases when there is a name in languages like Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc. in the 1xx or 7xx without a linked Latin counterpart, WorldCat Discovery will now display the author family name first as it is entered in the1xx or 7xx field of the MARC record.