Over one million digital items from California cultural heritage institutions now available through Calisphere!
The deeper you look, the even more you discover!
Big news: over one million historical images, texts, recordings, and other primary resources are now available in the statewide digital resource aggregation represented by Calisphere, and soon in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)! This burgeoning collection contains unique objects from more than 200 libraries, archives, and museums throughout California. At its current rate of growth, it will shortly be one of the largest subsets of DPLA’s national-level aggregation, offering students, researchers, and the general public increasingly comprehensive access to the digitized treasures and special collections of the state of California.

The Center for Sacramento History Photo Collection takes the honor for pushing us over the one million mark. As this image reveals (“Immigrant raid protest”, 5/6/1982), this collection provides significant historical context for some of the most pressing issues facing our state and our nation today.
These accomplishments were made possible by a multi-year grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services funds under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Administered in California by the State Librarian, this financial support has enabled us to explore and quickly harvest new digital collections from across the state.
Stay tuned for more collections over the coming months, as the breadth and depth of the statewide aggregation continues to grow.
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