EZID Service Update: March 2018
Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities
- Identifier Systems Architect John Kunze was the keynote speaker at an ARK Summit hosted by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), http://www.bnf.fr/fr/professionnels/anx_journees_pro_2018/a.jp_180321_ark.html. The event, conducted in French, drew participants from around Europe. The Library also sponsored an English-language pre-conference “Experts Day” meeting. The notes are available here: https://www.cdlib.org/services/infrastructure/docs/ARK_experts_day.pdf.
- The team has launched a major initiative in collaboration with DuraSpace. It is called ARKs in the Open. The ultimate goal is to build an open, international community around ARKs and their use as persistent identifiers in the scholarly ecosystem. You can read a more detailed project description here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSP/ARKs+in+the+Open+Project. If you’d like to keep up to date on developments, please subscribe to the ARKs mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/arks-forum. If you like what you read and want to express interest, please fill out this form: http://bit.ly/2C4fU8f.
- EZID Service Manager Joan Starr continues to work with the many clients that need to choose a new DOI service provider. Note that this affects non-University of California entities only. If you have questions about your specific situation, please contact us.
EZID Partners and Clients
Our current EZID clients include academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and commercial entities.
EZID Service Description
EZID (easy-eye-dee) is a production service that gives researchers the ability to create and manage long-term identifiers so that they can to track usage, get credit for their work, share their data, and have the data reused for additional research. As a result, EZID identifiers also make it possible to increase citations, to build on previous work, to conduct new research, and avoid duplicating previous efforts.
EZID Service Manager
Joan Starr contact
EZID Training Materials, Guides, FAQs and Webinars
More information about EZID is available by contacting us. See also EZID outreach and webinars.
Service Monitoring and Availability
For information about EZID status, please consider the following options:
- API inquiries; see the API documentation here: http://ezid.cdlib.org/doc/apidoc.html#server-status
- The CDL System Status page here: http://www.cdlib.org/contact/system.html
- The EZID Status Blog: http://ezidstatus.wordpress.com/
- The EZID RSS Feed (from the blog): http://ezidstatus.wordpress.com/feed/