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Duke University Press Journals move to Silverchair platform

On Monday, November 20, 2017, Duke University Press Journals transitioned from Highwire to the Silverchair platform. According to Duke University Press, the transition to Silverchair will provide an integrated user experience for all humanities and social sciences content from Duke University Press.

Here are some of the new digital publishing platform:

  • The new platform will showcase both the variety and the cohesion of Duke’s highly interdisciplinary scholarship.
  • Readers and researchers will have opportunities to discover related works and other content relevant to their interests.
  • Users will have a highly intuitive experience as they move through the articles and books on the site.
  • The site will be natively mobile, adapting seamlessly to devices of any size.
  • Library administrators will benefit from a unified interface that allows them to manage all of their holdings in one place.


As part of the transition, the basic URL structure of the site has changed. The new top-level URL is  Journal and article level re-directs are in place.  Campus proxy administrators have been notified to update proxy configuration files (if appropriate).

Duke UP advises that if users experience issues with access, please clear the browser’s cache and then visit Please contact if you have any questions or need to report an access issue.