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SCP Monthly Update, October 2017

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of September [xlsx]. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are the highlights of our major record distributions. Our major serial record distributions were: Agricultural & environmental science database online journals (275 titles), EBSCO journals (25 titles), and Open Access journals (226 titles, includes DOAJ, 163 titles).

For monographs, the major record distributions were: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (40 titles), Agricultural & environmental science database online monographs (32 titles), Alexander Street Press. 60 minutes: 1997-2014 online videos (a new collection, 1976 titles), CRC Press. CRCnetBASE online monographs (33 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (114 titles), JSTOR online monographs (482 titles), MIT Press online monographs (28 titles), TransTech monographs (66 titles, includes: Key engineering materials online monographs 60 titles), Apabi online monographs. Ebooks (363 titles), and Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs phase 1 (117 titles).

For DDA programs with number changed as of today: CNPeReading CDL DDA online monographs (2,386 discovery records), EBSCO Japanese DDA (2,688 discovery records + 198 purchased titles), JSTOR CDL DDA pilot (1,414 discovery records + 123 purchased titles). For DDA programs with no change from last month: Airiti DDA (2,286 discovery records + 337 purchased titles), CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs 925 discovery records [DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (281 titles)) + 168 purchased titles (2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles)].

In March 2017, Crossref, one of the main sources for DOI URLs, changed the format of their link from… to… This changed format has begun to show up in OCLC and vendor records and should not be mistaken for an error.  Further, Crossref is also encouraging its members to use the more secure https:// along with the abbreviated link.  All DOI instances are backwards compatible and will continue to work indefinitely. For more information, see:

Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking |
Request for New Cataloging Projects | Request Cataloging for Individual OA Journal Titles