Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: June 2017
SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of May [Xlsx]. This monthly report shows titles being added and/or removed from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are highlights of our major record distributions.
Note: Green text indicates a net increase. Red text indicates a net decrease. Purple text indicates a new package.
Our major serial record distributions include Cambridge online journals (19 titles); Open Access journals (473 titles which include: DOAJ 384 titles, Hindawi 48 titles, PubMed Central 11 titles, and ScienceDirect 10 titles); SpringerLink online journals (15 titles); and Taylor & Francis online journals (60 titles).
For monographs, there were several new collections added: Sage Research Methods online monographs (852 titles of eBooks and reference). Within the SpringerLink online monographs, six new subsets in social sciences and humanities were added: History (67 titles); Law and criminology (63 titles); Literature, cultural and media studies (76 titles); Political science and international studies (235 titles); Religion and philosophy (86 titles); and Social sciences (234 titles).
Other major record distributions were: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (98 titles), American Institute of Physics conference proceedings online monographs (124 titles), Cambridge online monographs (174 titles), Elsevier monographs (167 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (181 titles), Institute of Physics online monographs (41 titles), JSTOR online monographs (174 titles, which include: CDL DDA pilot, 163 titles), Knovel Library online monographs (89 titles), Safari tech books online monographs (31 titles), SpringerLink monographs (4172 titles, in addition to the six new subsets mentioned above, other subsets include: Behavioral science and psychology 51 titles; Biomedical and life sciences 184 titles; Business and management 280 titles; Chemistry and materials science 179 titles; Computer science 240 titles; Earth and environmental science 283 titles; Economics and finance 184 titles; Education 344 titles; Energy 95 titles; Engineering 764 titles; Mathematics and statistics 98 titles; Medicine 432 titles; and Physics and astronomy 205 titles), Wiley online monographs (139 titles), Apabi online monographs. Ebooks (155 titles), and Superstar. Chinamaxx online monographs phase 1 (175 titles).
Notes: SCP deleted Naxos audio (3,822 titles including 3,809 titles from the main Music collection Naxos music library online audio and 13 titles from the Jazz collection) because they moved to the World collection, to which we don’t have access.
For DDA programs with number changed as of today: JSTOR CDL DDA pilot (856 discovery records + 43 purchased titles), Airiti DDA (1,890 discovery records + 336 purchased titles) For DDA programs with no change from last month: CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs 925 discovery records (DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (281 titles)) + 168 purchased titles (2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles)), EBSCO Japanese DDA (2,656 discovery records + 198 purchased titles).
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